
Go Build


“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain fell, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and pounded that house.--Matthew 7:24-25 


The first time I worked out at the Nautilus Gym in Rochester NY, I knew it would be different from any training I’d done before. For weeks, my brother and I had been working construction, building houses by day, and hitting the YMCA, building our bodies by night. However, I knew something was missing. 

When our new trainer at Nautilus was waiting for us with a clipboard and a scowl, we knew we were in trouble. The first two weeks we spent working on our legs and core, something we had neglected at the ‘Y’. We had a weak foundation that would limit our athletic ability. He said, “If the foundation is weak, the entire athlete is weak.”  

The same is true with our spiritual life. Jesus tells us to go build a strong foundation in God’s Word, so we can survive and thrive in the storms of life. The year I believed in Jesus, three friends of mine helped me memorize key verses in the Bible and I can still remember them today.  

God’s Word is “alive and active…” When you study it and put it into practice, you: 

1. Stand strong when tempted to do wrong 

2. Reject excuses when things don’t work out 

  1. Why does Jesus compare knowing and living by the Bible to building a strong foundation for life? 
  2. Based on how much you read and know the Bible, how strong is your foundation? 
  3. What is one thing you will do to go build that strong foundation?  

“God, help me to diligently build my life on the true principles found in the Bible. Help me get your word in my mind and heart so I can stand up in the storms of life.”