
Gracious Words


“Act wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer each person.” – Colossians 4:5-6


Being the new kid on the team is not an envied position. Often, you arrive at a system that has been operating without you, and you have to find your way in. The current players are wary because one of their positions might be jeopardized if you are good.

If you have ever been the new kid, you know the feelings of anxiety being an outsider can cause. What makes this anxiety worse is when you are not welcomed with gracious words but shut out with harsh language.

We all know our words matter, especially when speaking to someone new or outside our everyday environment. What we say and how we act toward them leaves a lasting, and hopefully, good impression. If our words are gracious toward outsiders, we have shown them the type of love God would. If not, we have not set a good example of Godly love.

Our job here on earth is to point people to Christ. Our words and actions either draw people closer or push them farther away. There is no need to become defensive when a new person enters our world because, as followers of Christ, we do not live in scarcity but in abundance.

There is enough love, talent and space for God’s people. We do not need to fear because we know abundance in Christ, even if what we have here on earth slips away.

So, if the new kid takes your spot on the team, we are still called to show love and grace toward them. Why? Because our identity isn’t in our sport but in our God.

  • Is there an outsider that you can show love to in your life right now?
  • What does living in abundance mean?

“Abba Father, You provide all the love and grace the world will ever need. You created all humans, and we are called to show Your love even to those we do not know. Take the fear of the unknown away from us so that we can be uninhibited in our love toward others. Amen.”