
The Right Voice


“When he has brought all his own outside, he goes ahead of them. The sheep follow him because they know his voice. They will never follow a stranger; instead they will run away from him, because they don’t know the voice of strangers.” - John 10:4-5 


Depending on your sport, the game-time environment can be loud and overwhelming—hundreds of different voices, each with their own agenda. If you are a football player, you might hear the band playing, cheerleaders cheering, fans encouraging and rivals yelling. Hopefully, your coach is one of the leading voices you can tune into.  

Coaches naturally have loud voices for this very reason. Not only do you want to be able to hear your coach's voice for practical reasons, like knowing what play to run. You always want to be able to zero in on your coach's voice because He is your leader. If you become distracted and start listening to the fans' direction or the rivals' jeering, you won't be dialed in. You know your coach's voice is giving you the best direction and advice to advance you and your team. A coach knows their players, and the players know their coach.  

In this world, hundreds of voices tell us what move to make next. Some are for us, and some are against us. There is only one voice that will never steer us wrong: the voice of Christ. In the book of John, Jesus describes this with the image of sheep and their shepherd. A sheep only knows the voice of their own master. If a stranger tries to call them, they will run away. Jesus wants us to be like the sheep: to flee from strangers' voices and cling to His voice and direction. 

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the voices in your life? 
  • What does God's voice sound like? 
  • Have others led you astray before?  

“God our Father, You are our guide in this life. Help us recognize Your voice over all the others and cling to Your guidance and direction. Remove the distractions from our lives and help us be focused on You and what Your Word says. Amen .”