
In Joy


“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” -- Philippians 4:4


Athletics are full of emotion. Excitement, disappointment, happiness and joy are all part of the competitive life. Paul reminded Christians at Philippi to rejoice in the Lord always, and the message is perennial.

But we live in a difficult world with real battles. As John 10:10 tells us, “A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” The thief doesn’t want a physical thing from us — he wants to steal the joy in our hearts.

While happiness is a direct result of what happens in our lives, joy comes as a result of trusting that God has everything under control. When we acknowledge Him and trust in Him, we’ll find a peace that “surpasses all understanding.” (Philippians 4:7)

Jesus came and died for us in order that we might have abundant life with Him. (John 10:10) That abundance is found in the joy that results in knowing that He loves us unconditionally and will use each situation in our lives to fulfill His purposes.

As competitors, we’re filled with joy when we believe that God is at work in our lives, even if we might not physically see it.

Because God is trustworthy and faithful, we can rejoice in the Lord always! When we do, our hearts are filled with an abundant life that no thief can ever steal.

  • How can you develop the fruit of joy more fully in your life?
  • What does that look like in your life as an athlete or coach?

“Lord, may Your joy spill over into all areas of my life so that others might experience Your life in Jesus! Amen.”