
Keep Your Eye on God


“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. I will instruct you and show you the way to go; I will give counsel.” – Psalm 32:7-8


When I attend a baseball game, one of my favorite things is trying to figure out the signs the third base coach is signaling to his players. These signs help the runner and the batter know what the coach wants them to do.

The sign is typically hidden within a bunch of other signs. The goal is to have one movement or sign that signals to your team what’s about to happen and for the other team to not know what your sign means.

For example, if the sign to the batter to bunt the ball is a tap on the nose, the coach might have a sequence of movements like touching his head, elbow, nose and ear. When the batter sees the nose touch, he knows that’s his sign to bunt; what the other team sees is just a bunch of random signals.

The only way the signs work in baseball is if the coach and the batter are in tune. If the batter forgets what the sign means or isn’t looking at the coach, it means nothing. They must pay attention to each other for the desired play to take effect.

I desire to be in tune with God so that when He gives me a sign, I can put His will into play. In Psalms, David tells us that God will show us the way and counsel us, all while keeping a loving and close eye on His children. We will miss God’s guidance if we are not locked into and looking to our Father for guidance. It’s our responsibility to seek Him and not take our eyes off Him to look to the world.

If we get distracted by our agenda, advice from the world, or our sinful ways, we will miss the signs God gives us.

  • How do you stay focused on Christ?
  • Do you get comfort knowing God is watching over you?

“God, thank You for looking out for me each day. You want us to be locked into You and Your will so we can play the role You have designed for us here on Earth. Remove any distractions from our eyes that pull us away from You. Amen.”