
Leave the Old Behind


“Therefore, with your minds ready for action, be sober-minded and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires of your former ignorance. But as the one who called you is holy, you also are to be holy in all your conduct; for it is written, Be holy, because I am holy.” – 1 Peter 1:13-16


When you begin a relationship with Christ, everything changes. Your mind, heart, spirit and soul have a new direction. You have a new purpose for why you do what you do. Everything changes because you now have the Holy Spirit teaching you new things.

Before, you might have been unaware that your actions and desires were out of line with God. The Holy Spirit enlightens us to what is good and holy and what is wrong and ignorant.

Think of how you have grown in your sport. There is a huge difference between when you first started and where you are now. Looking back, you would never make the same decisions you made then as you would now. Why? Because you know better, you are enlightened about the right way to shoot a basket or score a goal. It would look ignorant to revert to your old playing methods when you know what is better.

So why do we do that with our life? After we are saved and enlightened about what God wants for us, we still sometimes desire the ways and actions of the life we led before Christ. Those ways are selfish and self-seeking, looking out for your flesh’s desires. Those desires usually don’t just vanish after you come to know Christ, but Christ provides us with ways to defeat those desires.

Listen to what the Holy Spirit tells you, dig into the Word, and pray that God aligns your heart with His desires, not your former ones.

  • What are some fleshly desires that you struggle to release?
  • What does it mean to pursue a life of holiness?

“Lord, thank You for the Holy Spirit, which lives in us and guides us through each day. We know we are sinful humans with desires that remain outside Your Will. Help us, Lord, to change the desire of our hearts to match Yours. Help us learn to deny ourselves and follow You with all we have, for we desire to be Holy because You are holy.”