
Nothing Before Christ


“Indeed, they sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.” – Hosea 8:7a


There is so much in the world that pulls at our hearts. Some people love sports, for instance. But everyone has desires that pull at them. Maybe it’s a desire to provide for family. Maybe it’s focusing on one’s career. Maybe we want to have fun and not work too hard or burn out.

Make no mistake, sports are good, providing for a family is good, and even having fun is good. But if those things take our eyes off the Lord and worshipping Him, then we do so at a risk.

God warned Israel (and us) of such a risk. In Hosea 8, Hosea listed things that Israel had done: installed kings, appointed leaders and built fortified cities and palaces. None of those are awful, but they did them without consulting or pursuing God. They also created idols and worshipped them. Then God said, “Indeed, they sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.” (Hosea 8:7) He is saying that these things can lead us away from God like a tornado or whirlwind would do.

Our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ should be our main pursuit. Our whole lives are to be dedicated to Him in prayer and consultation with Him. When we chase Christ first and foremost, all that we hope for our lives will be conformed by Him and for Him.

When He is truly Lord of our lives, He gives us purpose and supplies every need. May we find deep joy in pursuing the Lord!

  • What are your favorite things in life, in and out of sports?
  • Have you ever been distracted from chasing God? What was going on?
  • Why is it important to you that Christ be the center of your life?

“Father, please help me to desire You above all else. Please help me to give myself to honoring You in all I do. Thank You for being my Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”