
A Thankful Competitor


“And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”—Colossians 3:17


A Christian competitor is a thankful competitor. Every time you step onto the field of competition, your heart explodes with thankfulness, because you are abundantly grateful for God’s blessings. You have a deep conviction that your athletic abilities have come from Him alone.  There is no room for pride in a thankful heart. A thankful competitor is a humble competitor.

When you are thankful, you don’t try to impress others. You don’t put unrealistic expectations on your teammates’ shoulders when you realize God’s grace on your life. You don’t care about the scoreboard when your definition of winning is becoming more like Jesus every time you compete. You don’t view competition as crushing your opponent when you desire to play in such a way that elevates all participants to a higher level of competition. You are not consumed with what others think, when you are focused on an Audience of One. 

You don’t criticize teammates when you believe the best about them. You don’t have to play for others when you already feel God’s pleasure. Let the power of thanksgiving change the way you compete. A Christian competitor is a thankful competitor. 

  1. When do you struggle to give thanks? When is it easy?
  2. What are some scriptures you can share with other competitors to encourage them to be thankful too?

Father, I want to be a thankful competitor. Whatever I do or say, I will do it all in the name of the Jesus, giving thanks to You. Amen.