The Warrior Prince
Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, "Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few." - 1 Samuel 14:6
Jonathan is one of the most admired men in the Old Testament. He was the eldest son of King Saul, and the heir to the throne of Israel. What characteristics made him a man of integrity and such a great leader? Why would his men follow him in battle willingly?
- Courage: He was not afraid to fight the enemy and was willing to take the fight to them.
- Faith: Jonathan declared his faith in God and knew that God could save them even when the odds were 10 to 1 against them.
- Concern for his Army: Jonathan knows that it is important to feed his army on the day of battle even when his father did not.
- Vision: When Jonathan saw David after he killed Goliath, he recognized the gifts and talents God had given him.
- Self-Sacrifice: Jonathan knew that David would be the next king of Israel and sacrificed his right to be leader for God's choice.
- Loyalty: Jonathan's father wanted to kill David and Jonathan protected him from his father's wrath.
- Encourager: When David was hiding out from King Saul, Jonathan encouraged David to stay the course knowing that in God's good time, he would be promoted to the throne.
Development of these seven characteristics will lead to becoming a great leader in any arena of life or sports we find ourselves in.
- Do you have faith that God will help you, no matter how the odds are stacked against you?
- Are you willing to give up your place of prominence for another whose gifts and talents may shine brighter than yours?
1 Samuel 18: 3-4
Bible Reference:
1 Samuel 18:34