
We are Expected to Love


“Do not be surprised, brothers and sisters, if the world hates you. We know that we have passed from death to life because we love our brothers and sisters. The one who does not love remains in death.” – 1 John 3:13-14


In preseason, one team is always picked as a potential standout team for the upcoming year. As the start of the season gets closer, everyone is excited to see if this team will live up to the hype surrounding them. The season’s first game is a make-or-break moment for teams like this. Either they will confirm they are the standout team and meet expectations, or they will crumble.

When we grow as athletes, certain expectations get put on us. As we practice, people expect to see better results. If our team is slated to win a lot this year, that is precisely what we are expected to do. Anything other than that would question whether we had really practiced or if our team was any good.

When we become Christians, we are expected to love the people Christ loves, which is everyone. If you become a Christian and choose not to love those around you, people can question your faith. Our faith should be evident in how we love and treat people. There should be no doubt of our relationship with God based on our interactions with others.

As 1 John says, if you withhold love from someone, it’s like you are not walking in your new life with Christ but choosing to stay in the darkness and death that was your life before Christ.

  • What does it look like to withhold love from someone?
  • Has anyone ever confronted you about your actions not lining up with Christ? How did that feel?
  • What expectations do you put on other Christians?

“Lord, You show us what perfect love is. You love all without agenda or discrimination; help us love like You. Let us not act in a way that calls into question our salvation but help us walk in a way that confirms the heart transformation that happens when we have a relationship with You. Amen.”