The World is All In
By Anonymous
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” – Romans 3:23
We rank sins all the time. Murder lands at the top of the list and white lies end up toward the bottom. Then in the sports world, illegal drugs and abuse fall in-between. But God never ranks sin. He sees all sin as putrid, rotten.
Our sins create this gap between God and us that cannot be closed until we fully submit ourselves to Him through our Lord’s sacrifice on the cross, His death, and His resurrection.
Years ago, a famous baseball player became an all-in kind of Christian, and the world attacked him because he changed how he competed. He quit sliding into second base with his cleat poised to sink into the shortstop’s shin. He stopped throwing his bat and cussing after strikeouts. “He had become passive,” fans said. But if you asked him, he would say he had become a more competitive and better player because his energy went into improving his game and encouraging others.
When you step out of the world’s system of competing and all in to God’s system, your approach to your athletic life will change. You might even become a better player! Why? Because your focus while competing will shift from pleasing others to pleasing the Father. With Him, “pressure” situations are reduced to mere moments!
How about it? Are you ready to be all in with Him?
What is separating you from a relationship with God?
Do you have one foot in the world and one foot walking with God?
What will it take for you to go all in?
Romans 3
John 3
Romans 8:31–32
Father, I want to go all in with you. I have discovered that the world’s ideas are all about pleasing me. They either don’t work or don’t last. I look forward to experiencing a relationship with You as I give you myself. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.