
Truth or Dare


"Jesus answered him, 'It is also written: "Do not put the Lord your God to the test."'"
-Matthew 4:7


She was ready to leave the locker room when a couple of friends called her over. "Try these," they said, as they offered her some small pills. "They give you energy and help you play better." Would she take the pills or turn them away?

Sound familiar? This is happening in our locker rooms, schools and hang-outs all over our communities. Student-athletes are fighting the social battles to get ahead and fit in. Many give in to the dare of this peer pressure.

Our Lord and Savior went through this kind of temptation. Remember the passage in Matthew 4? Jesus went into the desert, and after 40 days and nights He grew hungry. Satan came once to tempt Jesus, but He turned Satan away by the truth of the Word. Satan tempted him a second and third time, but each time, Jesus pointed him back to the truth of God's Word by saying "It is written." The dares were there, but Jesus only knew and lived the truth.

Like this young lady above, we are tempted by the evil one and by our own sinful nature daily. Will we take the dare of temptation, or live by the truth of God's Word? Parents, coaches and Christian friends can help during these times of temptation by pointing young people back to God's Word and the truth that is found in it. But be aware of changes. In young student-athletes, it may mean that they have taken the dare of others and turned from the truth of Christ. The dare of drugs, alcohol and sex are profound today, but our Game Plan (God's Word) shows us the right way to live. Pass on the dare, folks, and find the truth of Christ in His Word! You will not be sorry!


1. Are you being tempted to do the wrong things in order to fit in?
2. Are you denying the truth to get ahead in your sport or in life?
3. Today, how can you start finding the truth in His Word?


Matthew 4:1-11
1 Corinthians 10:13
James 1:13-15

Bible Reference: 
James 1