
Cabin Fever


If I say: I won’t mention Him or speak any longer in His name, His message becomes a fire burning in my heart, shut up in my bones. I become tired of holding it in, and I cannot prevail. — Jeremiah 20:9


When the weather finally breaks after a long winter, everyone gets busy fertilizing the lawns, dusting off the golf clubs, cleaning up the patio furniture, and lighting up the grill. There is a genuine excitement in the air! If we stay in the house too long or if winter stays too long, we get cabin fever. Cabin fever is a condition of increased anxiety, tension, and boredom caused by living for some time in a confined space or an isolated area, especially in winter.

I believe the Word of God experiences “cabin fever” within us. God’s Word is crying to get out of us and into the lives of the lost, hurting, and bound. Jeremiah experienced this when he would hold back from saying what God told Him to speak. In Jeremiah 20:9, Jeremiah recounted what it felt like to keep God’s Word closed up inside of him.

Jesus told us to be witnesses for Him in Judea, Jerusalem, Samaria, and the outermost parts of the world. If we are not being a good witness, then the Word of God should feel like fire in our bones just waiting, crying to get out of us. Here follows the remedy for cabin fever:

F – Faith that God can use me
I  –  Identify whom God wants me to reach
R – Represent God with excitement
E – Expect God to bring the increase (lost souls to salvation)


1. What is my definition of passion?
2. What has God done in my life that I can share with my players?
3. Do I share the same passion for God that I ask my player to display on the field?


Extra Reading: Matthew 28:19–20; Acts 1:8; Colossians 3:17, 23


Lord, help me to be as passionate about sharing You as I am about coaching. Forgive me for the opportunities I missed to share my faith, and thank You for being passionate for me. Amen.

Bible Reference: 
Colossians 3