Can You Hear Me?
Answer me when I call, God, who vindicates me. You freed me from affliction; be gracious to me and hear my prayer. -Psalm 4:1
Cell phones . . . how did we live without them? At the touch of our hands, we can be in contact with anyone, anytime, anywhere. What a great communication tool.
As a coach, I used to wish I had cell phone access to my players on the floor. Often they would not hear my voice or would choose to ignore it when they did not like what I said. But if I could have called them during a game, I know they would have answered the phone.
OK, that would be a little strange, but spiritually we have that kind of access. Anytime, anywhere, we have direct, open-line, no-towers-down communication with God through Jesus Christ. It is not long distance, but hopefully a local call if we are in constant contact with Him.
Just as a coach wants his/her players to respond to his/her communication, so does God want us to respond to our communication with Him. Sometimes we do not like what we hear, even though we need to hear it. But we know His line is always open. His switchboard always has room for us. Some say He doesn’t have time for their call? Hogwash! He made us. He loves us. He cannot wait for us to call. He loves nothing more than to talk to us. He only wishes we felt the same!
Let’s put down our cell phones, pick up our spiritual phones, and dial into the Savior—for His minutes are endless and eternal.
1. When is the last time you talked to your Savior?
2. Why do we call only when we need something?
3. What will help you communicate better with your coaches and teammates?
Extra Reading: Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Father, thank You for listening to me and for the gift of prayer. Give me a passion for communicating with You. Let me see just how much power lies in prayer. Amen.