
What Does Success Look Like?


“When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak whatever He hears. He will also declare to you what is to come. -John 16:13


Every good athlete wants to become better. It’s almost as if it is ingrained in them and what sets them apart: A good athlete wants to be the absolute best version of themselves on and off the field. 

But what would happen if we stopped trying to force things to happen on our own and instead just trust? What does true success look like?

The greatest success any person on this earth can experience is the success that comes from obeying God. 

Let’s equate this with a few examples from basketball:


When God calls out to you, do you listen or reject Him? Listening and obeying Him produces the feeling you get when you sink a shot. It’s hard getting the basketball up and down the court. You’ve got defenders everywhere; other players are constantly trying to steal the ball from you or block your way. Yet you work through it to take the open shot. We can weave our way through the distractions of the day to make sure we are in a good position to listen for the Lord and respond to what He is saying. 



What do you do when life gets sideways, or you make a mistake? Do you stand there and get stuck in it? Do you sin again? Or do you confess and repent? Staying stuck in your mistakes would be the equivalence of missing a shot on the court and just standing there while the game continues around you. How wasteful would that be? 

Through Jesus, God invites us to turn to His love and grace, while confessing our miss and deciding to move forward with Him.


How do you treat those around you? Your families, friend circles, other athletes on your teams, your peers? Are you selfless enough to assist them in their time of need or are you playing a selfish game? 

We are better when we are better together. God gives us people to surround and support with His love, truth and encouragement. The more we can build one another up, the stronger our faith becomes and enables us to seek the Kingdom of God with willing and open hearts and help others along the way.

If you want to unlock your potential as the athlete God has made you to be, let Him in. Give Him access to your mind, body and spirit, and allow Him the intimacy of molding you more like His Son.

  • How do you normally unlock your athletic potential? Do you ever stop to think about the potential God has given you as His child?
  • What might God be asking you to lean into and trust Him with in this season of your life? 
  • Choose one focus–obedience, repentance or serving—and determine one way you can live it out with God today.

Romans 5:10-11

Galatians 5:13

1 John 5:3-4


“Father, thank You that life in You through Christ is my ultimate success. It’s being Your child, and representing you on my team and in my sport. Please help me to see where I can trust You more in my life, and give me practical ways to live it out. There is nothing greater than finding my identity in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.”