
What is Your Best Success?


“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you.” – John 15:7


It was an unforgettable moment – our basketball team was down late in the game. We had one shot left.

My friend, Sasha, was a hard-working athlete. At every practice, he worked on his skills and shots. He probably had the longest and hardest practices because he was doing work before, during and after basketball practice. Because of all his hard work, our coach knew Sasha should be the one to take the last shot. Sasha pulled up for a 3-pointer and sank it, plus he got fouled and made his free throw. I don’t remember if we won. I do remember Sasha and the trust the coach had in him.

Just like Sasha put in the work to build foundational skills, believers need to do the same. Believers need daily time with Jesus through prayer and Bible reading to build faith and grow closer in relationship with Him.

We know that the athletes with the best foundational game have a better chance of success. We will succeed in the Christian life by devoting daily time to God’s Word. We need to be able to “run the play” (do what God asks) and can only do that if we know what is in the playbook – the Bible.

Jesus tells us in John that if we remain in Him and His words remain in us, powerful things can happen. The only way to do that is to open your Bible.

  • Would you want to be the one to take the last shot in the game? Why?
  • Is it easy to be the best foundationally? What does it take to succeed?
  • How can you develop your Christian foundations in your daily life?

“Lord, help me to be best I can be as Your child. Help me develop my daily spiritual foundations. Give me a desire to read Your word. Amen.”