
Emotions Shouldn't Drive


Then go quickly and tell his disciples, ‘He has risen from the dead and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee; you will see him there.’ Listen, I have told you.” So, departing quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, they ran to tell his disciples the news.” – Matthew 28:7-8


Have you ever felt two very different emotions at the same time? It could be your first time starting a varsity game, and you are both excited and fearful. You are excited to finally get your shot but fearful of if you will play well. Maybe it’s your last game coaching a team you have loved dearly, and you are sad about leaving but also anticipating what’s next for your career.

It’s confusing when our emotions collide; we don’t know how to feel or if we are doing something wrong by having mixed feelings. The passage above is one of my favorites because it shows us that mixed emotions were at play in one of the most spectacular moments of history.

In Matthew 28, we see that Mary Magdalene and Mary were confronted by an angel telling them that Jesus is alive and not dead in the tomb. They were tasked with going to tell the others about this great news. As they left the tomb, they were both excited about this news and fearful. They weren’t condemned for their feelings of fear; all we are given is an insight into how human they really were.

From our point of view, 2,000 years later, we might not see a need for their fear, but in this conversation with an angel, fear was OK. But they didn’t let that fear stop them from running to tell the disciples the good news. They were obedient in the face of fear and didn’t let fear or excitement stop them from doing what was asked of them.

It’s OK to have strong emotions; what isn’t OK is letting those emotions stop us from doing what we are called for in God’s kingdom.

  • What are two conflicting emotions you are feeling towards a situation in life or on your team right now?
  • How can you help your emotions not take the lead?

“Lord God, You made us to have emotions and feel things deeply. Help us not to be led by our emotions but to seek Your guidance. Help us know which emotions will distract us and which will draw us closer to You. Amen.”