
Who is Your Rock?


“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” – Matthew 7:24


Coaches desire an athlete with great skills, intelligence and coachability. After a game our team lost, I asked my players, “Were you giving 100 percent and did you stick to our strategy?”

Mistakes happen but, in this case, they heard me and did something else. We lost because they did not listen to what I, the coach, told them. A great lesson was learned that night.

In Matthew 7:24, Jesus is wrapping up the Sermon on the Mount. He gives the audience a story about two different builders. Both builders knew how to build, just like my players knew how to play the game. One main difference between the builders is that one of them built his house on the rock, which can withstand the hard times. Building on the rock means Jesus. The other builder built his house on sand (not Jesus), which washes away when the difficult times come. Here, Jesus is teaching that only those who listen and do what He says are building on the rock and are therefore wise.

My team chose to not listen to me, and we lost the game. If we choose to not listen to Jesus or even know what He is telling us through His Word, He calls us foolish. Instead, be wise. Hear His words by being in the Bible daily. Spend time praying and listening for God, share what you learn with teammates and coaches, and remember that in the hard times, the house built on the rock – Jesus – remains.

  • Why is it so important to listen to your coach?
  • What does it mean to have Jesus as your rock?
  • What does it look like to do what Jesus asks us to do?

“Lord, please forgive me when I build on sand (on my understanding) and not on You as my rock. Please help me to build on You and trust You. Please give me confidence that You remain the Rock even when hard times come. I want to be Your witness everywhere in my life. Amen.”