
Down and Distance


“Let us not grow tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up.” – Galatians 6:9


As an athlete, the innate drive to be the best is deeply ingrained in our DNA. Hours upon hours are spent rigorously training, pushing the limits of one’s physical and mental capabilities, all in pursuit of that coveted victory. Yet, the wins and accolades we desired don’t always materialize as quickly or as frequently as we had hoped.

Being a successful Division 1 football player, overcoming major injuries to become a two-time All-American and having the opportunity to play in the NFL, was a level of achievement that most would consider the pinnacle of success. However, the satisfaction and fulfillment I anticipated eluded me, as if I had missed something essential along the way.

It was at this time I read Galatians 6:9 for the first time. I realized I had a narrow focus on worldly success and winning in the moment, rather than the transformative rewards of living a truly Christ-centered life.

Just as football is a game of inches, with each play requiring a careful assessment of the down and the distance, so too is the game of life. It’s tempting to seek a quick fix that will resolve all challenges, but the reality is that true, lasting victories in life rarely come that easily. It’s through perseverance, adaptability, and making the proper Christ-led adjustments that help one navigate the ups and downs of life’s journey.

The Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians speaks directly to the struggles we often face – the temptation to give in to societal pressure, to compromise our values, to prioritize temporary comfort and convenience over eternal truth.

It’s all too easy to define our worth by material achievements or status symbols. But God’s plan for us is so much grander than that. He desires for us to live with an unwavering commitment to righteousness and to be beacons of light that draw the lost and weary into the loving embrace of Jesus Christ.

Even when the world urges us to conform, to cut corners and to look out for ourselves first, we must steadfastly hold onto the principles and priorities of Jesus. It is in this higher calling that we find our true purpose and the greatest rewards.

  • What are some practical ways we can stay motivated and persistent in serving Christ?
  • In what areas of your life do you feel tired and want to give up?
  • Are your goals the same goals that God has for you?

“Lord, help me to press on with the patience and endurance that only comes from You. I pray today that I may not lose heart or grow weary in doing the good works You have prepared for me to do. Thank You for your strength and guidance that will ultimately allow me to experience a season of fruitful reward. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”