
Come Alongside


“A generous person will be enriched, and the one who gives a drink of water will receive water.” – Proverbs 11:25


Any good coach understands that when your player asks for help with a skill, it is your job to step in and help them.

My father was one of these coaches. With every swing a player took in batting practice, he was on the other side of the net throwing the ball to them. He would spend hours throwing batting practice to whoever needed it.

He never returned a request for help with a refusal. He never said, “I hope you can achieve your goal” or “Good luck with that.” He went right alongside them and gave them everything they needed to succeed.

This is the type of help we are called to give our brothers and sisters in Christ. Proverbs 25:11 talks to us about generosity. More importantly, it magnifies the idea of offering physical or tangible help to our friends in need.

How often do we dismiss someone’s needs by saying, “I’ll be praying for you.” Prayer is powerful, but so are actions, and if this need could be met by offering tangible help, that’s what we are called to do. If your friend comes to you thirsty you wouldn’t send them away saying, “I’ll pray you find water.” No! You will help them find water or give them yours.

We are called to walk alongside our peers and help them if we can. Don’t allow yourself to be lazy in this matter because, as the end of Proverbs 25:11 says, if you give water, you shall receive it. There may come a day when you are thirsty and seeking water and need someone to help you.

  • Do you think it’s your responsibility to help meet physical needs?
  • How could you help meet the physical needs of those around you this week?

“Lord, You meet all of our needs daily. You are the ultimate Provider. Give us a generous spirit and open our eyes to the needs of those around us. Amen.”