
New Seasons of Hope


“This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come in the same way that you have seen him going into heaven.” – Acts 1:11b


As a character coach, one of the toughest things to watch is the reaction of seniors when the last game ends.

One year, after an epic beating to end the season, I was consoling one of the seniors. I thought he was sad that the game ended that way, but all he said was, “I can’t believe it’s over.” His journey as a football player had come to an end.

It was a stark reminder to me that, in time, the game will end, but life will move on all the same. Life comes in seasons. Whatever season you are in right now will come to an end sooner or later. After Jesus had resurrected, in Acts 1, He gave His disciples some parting instructions. Then, He was taken up into Heaven on a cloud. Two angels appeared and told them that Jesus would be back.

For the disciples, the season of ministry with Jesus had ended. But a new and exciting season was about to begin. Thanks to God’s work through Jesus, we can have hope for the future. 1 Peter 1:3 calls it a “living hope.” It is a confidence that Jesus will come again, as the angels said.

This season in your life will end. But be excited for the future. In Christ, we have hope every day as He works in us and through us to impact others. Don’t be anxious and don’t be nervous. He will guide us if we follow in His living hope.

  • Were you ever sad that a season was ending? What happened?
  • Has there ever been a season of life you were excited for?
  • How can faith in Jesus help you navigate such changes?

“Father, seasons are changing for me, and I need help. Please help me to follow You and to be excited for what You are leading me to. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”