
Who is the One?


“Jesus told them, ‘Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’” - Mark 12:17 


During my university basketball career one of my friends and teammates was so focused on himself. He was always full of joy when everyone worshipped him. He liked to be the center of attention of every meeting and talk. On the court he was always asking me or others to get him the ball. His focus was on himself not on the team. Many of his friends ended up feeling like his slaves rather than friends. If we were not doing what he wanted there would be conflict.  

What about today - it is the same when we compete. How are we living Mark 12:17? Immediately after we win a game – glory is coming to us. Our teammates are celebrating our performance. The fans are congratulating us and cheering. Are we passing it on to the One who really deserves it? Or are we just letting the glory stay on us? In essence, giving to Caesar (attention and favor) the things that are God’s. If we begin to give all our time, attention and adoration to something other than God, we are taking from God what is His. Only God deserves the glory. If we do not intentionally give the glory to Him, it will become an idol we endlessly chase. 

Examine your heart. Examine the time you spend on your phone and social media. Examine who you think about and who you talk about. Are you giving to God the things that are God’s? Are you placing things ahead of Him? It is easy to allow other things to creep into God’s place. You need to be intentional about prioritizing your relationship with God and demonstrating the fruit of faith.  

  • Look at the last month. How have you spent your time, efforts and money? 
  • How are you glorifying God through competition? 
  • How you can encourage others to give to God the things that are God’s? 

"Lord, thank You for reminding me who is the One who deserve all glory through my playing at any time. You are the One who deserves all in my life. You created me and through my life I want to bring much glory to Your name. Lead me to think more of You and less of me. I pray for Your power in and through me. In Jesus’ name, amen."