- In the last year, what have you had to endure to compete in your sport?
- What is most helpful to you as your persevere through hard situations?
- Who has been an example of perseverance to you?
- Let’s read about an instance of how someone showed perseverance. Read these sections of Genesis 37:18-24, 39:7-10, 19-21, 40:2-4, 20-23, 41:14-16, 37-40.
- Through what sorts of things did Joseph have to persevere in these pieces of his story?
- Through what sorts of situations might you have to persevere in the course of your athletic career?
- What impact would an attitude like Joseph’s make upon your circumstances?
- Persevere through the tough times associated with competition.
- Encourage others through your experiences of having persevered in the past.
Bible Reference:
Genesis 37