Bible Study



Teamwork is a commodity which many teams think they have, but few really possess. It requires the sacrifice of personal agendas and places individual goals below the team’s goals. It thrives on good leadership and dies at the hands of the selfish. Let’s take some time for honest evaluation of our teamwork.


  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important would you say good teamwork is to a team’s success? Why?
  2. What are some factors that improve teamwork on your team, and what are some factors that prevent your team from working well together?
  3. How critical is the leadership of coaches and team captains to the execution of good teamwork?


  1. Read Mark 6:35-44. Here’s a moment in Jesus’ life when He gave His disciples a teamwork test and then a demonstration of it.
  2. How well did the disciples succeed at Jesus’ teamwork test?
  • What was their first idea for dealing with hungry people?
  • How did Jesus redirect their minds in solving the problem?
  • How did Jesus employ good teamwork with the disciples?
  • What was the final result of Jesus’ leadership and the disciples’ teamwork?


  1. What are some of the challenges your team faces that can be solved through solid teamwork?
  2. How well do your teammates respond to the coaches’ and captains’ leadership in building teamwork?
  3. Have you seen teamwork positively affect the results on the scoreboard?


Teams are made up of individuals with different, and sometimes conflicting, personalities, which can pose a challenge to good teamwork. What are some actions and attitudes we can each develop to further our teamwork? What should we stop doing that presently inhibits our teamwork?


Memory verse: “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another.” – John 13:34

Length 15 minutes
Bible Reference: 
Mark 6:35-44
John 13:34