
Don't Forget to Rejoice


“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” – Philippians 4:4


Some of the greatest celebrations are found in the end zone. Whether a game-winning touchdown or the energy the first quarter needed, the end zone is home to some of the greatest moments caught on film.

But it’s interesting to see what just a few minutes can do to a player’s mindset. In one play, they score a touchdown, feel confident and celebrate in the end zone. But the next, they fumble the ball, hang their head and begin to doubt themselves. Mistakes are inevitable; they are a part of sports; therefore, a player’s mindset is crucial to maintain and control.

In our lives, we need to remember this same lesson. In the good times, when we feel blessed and life is flowing like a beautiful touchdown pass that just landed in our hands, we celebrate big. We feel excited, and we praise God. We thank Him during prayer and maybe even tell our friends what He did.

But our praise mindset quickly slips away as the times get harder, and we begin to doubt God. Our praise and rejoicing for God should never depend on our situations. If it does, we will rarely praise because this world is full of sin and brokenness.

Our praise and rejoicing should depend on God’s faithfulness and goodness. Then, we will forever be praising and rejoicing because He is consistently faithful and good.

Life may not feel like a game-winning touchdown every day, but this doesn’t mean we stop rejoicing in Christ. Moments in life when we fumble, get hit and even lose, we should remember and cling to everything He has done for us and His promises of what He will do for us. This causes our mindset to rejoice always, no matter what.

  • Why is it hard to rejoice in the challenging moments of sports and life?
  • Name one time God was faithful to you.
  • How can you practice rejoicing even in hard times?

“God, I slip into a complaintive and troubled mindset a lot. Forgive me when I have stopped praising and rejoicing in You. I know You care for me and my feelings when I feel sad, but help me rejoice in You before anything and give thanks to You before any other emotion. Amen.”