
First Things First


“The end of all things is near; therefore, be alert and sober-minded for prayer. Above all, maintain constant love for one another, since love covers a multitude of sins.” -- 1 Peter 4:7-8


Every day is a challenge. As a competitor, it is a battle to not treat today’s practice as just one more in what feels like an endless amount. It seems the only competitors who really value each workout are those who realize there isn’t an infinite amount: those returning from injury, at the end of their final season or especially those who have been told they do not have long to live. These individuals truly make each day count.

A valuable exercise is to write your own obituary. Or picture the final game of your final season, and you are asked to thank your teammates and coaches. This helps you begin with the end in mind. The Bible tells us that the end is near, and we must do two things: be prayerful and loving toward each other. In fact, Jesus knew His death was imminent and what did He do – He prayed and His request of the Father was that His followers would be united in love. (John 17)

If today were your last, you would not hold back in praying and showing love to those around you. Be a leader. Your teammates and coaches will gain the courage to follow your example. What are you waiting for?

  • If you knew today’s workout was your last, how would you treat it differently?
  • How would you treat your teammates and coaches differently?

“Lord, forgive me for taking things for granted. I want to make today count. Help me demonstrate Your love for others. Amen.”