
How Do You Spend Your 24/7?


“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” -- Matthew 11:28-30


What are you always thinking about? For what are you moving your schedule around and sacrificing time with friends and family? Have you lost the ability to see life for what it truly is?

We’re consumed by the constantly shifting trends for better health, greater athletic results and even the pride in hustling 24/7, 365 days a year.

This is not the life God desires for you. He has so much more in store, if only we’d slow down enough to listen and discern His heartbeat for us. When you allow God to speak to you through the Holy Spirit and through His Word, you will experience a perspective change and start a journey toward a new kind of 24/7 life.

As we practice finding rest in Him, our spirits switch from frantic to fueled, consumed to content. Do you want to experience true freedom in your heart?

Here’s how to take a first step toward a reset in your own life:

Be Still

Slow down, be still and know that God is God. You might find yourself needing a reset, but that’s hard to do if you can’t be still long enough to hear God’s voice. As hard as it may seem, take the time to stop and know that He is God. Recognize that He is in charge and He is the one who can give the perspective change you desperately need.

Be Open

Knowing who God is gives us a confidence to open our hearts to Him as we understand He will not leave us. Take your exhaustion and fear to Him, let Him know what’s going on, and ask Him to step in and be with you. Be open to what God has to say to you. Then, seek wisdom from God’s Word and from Christian believers. This requires humility (admitting you don’t know it all) and patience (realizing you won’t get it all at once).

Be Free

Once you open yourself up to knowing who Jesus is and the Father’s love through Him, you begin a journey toward freedom from performance and an understanding of your identity in Christ.

When you catch the revelation of who Christ is and who you are in Christ, you are free to be who He created and called you to be.

Take up the training of Christ and switch your mindset to seek after Him 24/7. It will change everything.

  • What are your priorities in athletics and life?
  • Which do you need to pay attention to: being still, being open or being free?
  • Read Psalm 46:10 and make a list of how God is greater than any pressure to cave to the cultural standards of today.

“Father God, thank You that You offer me a better way. My life has become overwhelming and frantic, and I long to take a step back and listen to what You have to say. Help me find the space to be still, be open and be free in Your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”