
Is Jesus Enough?


"For me, living is Christ and dying is gain."
-Philippians 1:21


I had the opportunity to attend a coach's forum in St. Louis while ministering at the Final Four. During the forum, a coach from an NCAA Division II school stood and shared his story. He told how his players asked him to lead pre-game prayers before games and practices and was glad to do it. His administration heard about his participation and wrote him a letter asking him to stop this immediately or he would be let go from his coaching position. He had a choice to make.

The Apostle Paul understood one thing in his ministry. Whether he lived or died, Jesus was always enough for him. As he suffered in prison, in persecution and in the loss of his health and possessions, Paul held firm to one thing -- that Jesus would sustain him. Can we say the same?

As this coach shared, you could hear the emotion in his voice. They were not emotions produced by a tough decision about whether or not to stop praying with his team. They were deep, spiritual emotions that came from his love for Christ. For him, the choice was easy. He chose Christ and he lost his job. But he knew it was better to fear God than to fear man.

You may lose your job, lose your health, lose your family or lose a child. In each situation you will be faced with the tough question, "Is Jesus enough?" Is He enough to sustain you, enough to heal you, enough to help you through tough times and trials? Is Jesus enough? Every morning when you wake up you must be ready to answer that question and to live in your choice. As for me and my house, our choice is easy. Jesus will always be enough.


1. Are you facing a situation that is forcing you to choose between Christ and something else?
2. Have you been persecuted for your faith?
3. Is Jesus enough for you?


Philippians 4:7
Colossians 1:19
James 1:1-16

Bible Reference: 
James 1