
Perseverance Pays


“Endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope.” – Romans 5:4


As a newly married coach’s wife, I remember the day I watched my husband lead QB drills during a football spring practice when he suddenly threw down his clipboard and yelled, “Stop! Stop!” 

Apparently, the quarterbacks (QBs) were not practicing the drills as he taught, so he stopped the exercises and began instructing his QBs on the essentials of the technique he was teaching. He often said, “Practice isn’t perfect, but perfect practice leads to success.”

While our Heavenly Father knows we are not perfect, He also knows the value in His children persevering in day-to-day struggles because He knows that perseverance develops strength of character. Today’s sports culture is rapidly changing, with the wins now more important than the why. God values perseverance because of the eternal value it brings to the WHO – the man or woman whose character is being cultivated and developed into the likeness of the Savior. 

From a biblical standpoint, perseverance is continuing in a state of grace to a state of glory. Daily practical perseverance leads to growth and success. From an eternal perspective, it leads to a life fixed on the glorious gift of life with Christ. So, keep persevering in what God has called you, knowing character-building qualities are being developed in you!

  1. What positive results have come from persevering through a difficult time in your life?
  2. What character qualities have been refined in your life due to a challenging sports situation?

Romans 5:3, 5; Hebrews 10:36


“Lord, when challenges come my way, help me to trust that You will use them for Your glory and my good. Help me persevere patiently with confidence and character because my heart is fixed on You. In Jesus’s name, amen."