
Prayer Works


"During those days He went out to a mountain to pray and spent all night in prayer to God. When daylight came, He summoned His disciples, and He chose 12 of them—He also named them apostles." — Luke 6:12–13


A man named Guy Dowd was once given the National Teacher of the Year award. One of the turning points in his career came, he said, when he was frustrated and couldn’t seem to reach his students. God impressed upon him that he should pray more for them. Each morning Guy would arrive early to pray with his students, sitting down with different ones each day. Over time Guy began to notice a difference not only in the way the students responded to him, but also in the way he taught and responded to the students. Prayer changes our attitudes and helps us see people as God sees them. When we can see people through God’s eyes, it makes all the difference.

As you study the life of Jesus, you will notice that He prayed fervently before every major decision or event. Jesus spent seasons alone in prayer, often the entire night (Lk 6:12–13). In this passage you will find that Jesus spent the entire night in prayer, but His prayers literally changed the course of history. After one such occasion (see Lk 6:12–13), Jesus chose His inner circle, the twelve disciples.

Coaches make important decisions every day. As we make decisions, it is vital that we pray and ask God to go before us and to give us wisdom. God will help us through our prayers to see our players and others on our staff in the same way He sees them.


1. Are your key decisions founded on prayer?
2. What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name?
3. Is prayer just talking, or is it also listening to God?


Extra Reading: Matthew 6:5–13; John 14:13–14


Heavenly Father, help me to remember the example Jesus gave us for prayer. When major decisions need to be made, help me to spend time with You. Give me clarity of mind so I may truly spend my prayer time alone with You, without distraction. Thank you, Father, for the privilege of prayer. Amen.

Bible Reference: 
John 14