
Resist the Devil


Therefore, submit to God. But resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7


There are many things in this life that can poison your heart. In college, it might be alcohol, drugs or toxic relationships. As a professional athlete, those temptations are often in the form of material possessions and money. But when I committed my life to Christ during my playing days at the University of Nebraska, I allowed Him to fill the void in my heart that worldly things could never satisfy. I was finally at peace.

No matter how long you have been serving the Lord, the enemy of your soul is going to tempt you to walk away from the straight and narrow path. Thankfully, when I began playing for the Buffalo Bills, I had a group of like-minded individuals to help me stay the course. I also became actively involved in Bible studies and grew in my knowledge of His Word.

Jesus set the perfect example of how to resist the things of this world. He surrounded Himself with a group of men who wanted to please God, and He studied God’s Word daily. When He faced a difficult test in the wilderness (see Matthew 4:1-11), Jesus was able to stand firm against Satan’s temptations, even though His body had been weakened by a 40-day fast.

When you face temptations within sport and life, remember that you don’t have to carry those burdens by yourself. It’s too much for any person to go through alone. Find other believers that will hold you accountable, stay consistent in your Bible devotion and then you will be able to fully “submit to God” and “resist the Devil.”


1. What are some temptations that you face as a competitor? What can you do to resist those temptations?

2. Why do you think it’s important to surround yourself with faithful followers of Christ?

3. Read Matthew 4:1-11. What lessons can you apply to your life after reading how Jesus resisted Satan?


Psalm 119:11, Matthew 4:1-11, 26:41, 1 Corinthians 10:13


Lord, give me the strength to resist the devil and say no to temptation. Put people in my life that will help me make right choices. Increase my desire to study Your Word so that I might not sin against You. Amen.
