
The Water of Life

". . .If you knew the gift of God, and who is saying to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would ask Him, and He would give you living water."

-John 4:10 

Water is important. Throughout the ages, it has been a vital part of human culture. Look at the most ancient civilizations, like Egypt, and they are guaranteed to be built around water.
Now look at your life as an athlete. More than likely, you also have to build your athletic program in some way around water so that you won't get thirsty or dehydrated. It may not be a river, or a pool, but I'm sure there's at least a water bottle involved.
In the same way, your Christian life should be built around the water of life, Jesus Christ, who promised that if you drink His living water, you will never go thirsty. This starts after you accept Christ and are literally baptized in water. You then "drink" more water into your life as you read your Bible every day and pray, grow your spiritual muscles and finish the race of life, always allowing that living water to sustain you and keep you healthy.

So, what about you? Are you staying hydrated, or do you need to start drinking more of the living water? 

1. Have you ever been dehydrated during a game? How did that take a toll on your body?
2. Are you spiritually hydrated?

3. What can you do to drink in more of the living water of Christ? 

John 7:37-38

Revelation 21:6 

Bible Reference: 
Revelation 21