
Wrapped Up


“So if the Son sets you free, you really will be free.” – John 8:36


“Wrap Up!” is something every defensive tackle hears. They probably hear it in their minds even if no one is saying it. It is their job to wrap up and tackle whoever their opponent is. They must wrap up and not let go until the job is complete. If they don’t, they usually let their opponent slip a few extra yards or, even worse, slip right past them. They must completely hold their opponent secure.

In our walk with Christ, sometimes we feel wrapped up. We mess up and feel caught by shame or guilt. We don’t have the answers and have feelings of stupidity and insecurities. We begin thinking of the unknowns of the future and feel overwhelmed with anxiety and fear. The truth is, we have a defensive opponent who is doing his best to wrap us up and not let us go: Satan. As we run the plays of life, Satan is on the other side, trying to wrap us up and trap us. He is good at his job, too.

But there is good news God wants us to know as we play this game of life. The good news is that Jesus made a way out for us. Jesus came to this earth and became fully wrapped up in our sin and death because He loved us so much. However, He didn’t stay wrapped up but defeated the grip of death and rose from the dead! God tells us that when we put our trust in Him and believe in Him, we also slip the grip of sin and death. This means we are free.

Satan may try and wrap us up. He may even get a good push on us, trip us, or wrap us up for a moment. But Jesus has made a way for us to escape the shame, fear, anxiety and insecurity, and be free!

We can escape Satan’s wrap-up – but praise God, we can never escape being wrapped up in God’s freedom, grace and love.

  • What does it mean to be free?
  • Have you ever felt wrapped up by Satan?
  • How does it make you feel knowing you’re free in Jesus?

“God, I feel wrapped up sometimes by Satan. Thank You for reminding me that he may trip and beat me up, but he has no power over me because You defeated him! Thank You for setting me free. Amen.”