
You Are Who You Walk With


“The one who walks with the wise will become wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm.” – Proverbs 13:20


If you have ever heard the saying, “You are what you eat,” you have also probably heard, “You are who you hang around with.”

When I was told that in high school by my mother, I quickly rolled my eyes and told her that it doesn’t matter who I hang out with I am still me. Years later, looking back, I could see how the teammates I hung out with who didn’t walk with the Lord slowly made me start walking further and further from God. It wasn’t very noticeable initially, making it even harder to catch. Slowly, I saw myself pushing boundaries and lying to hang out with them, doubting if what God had commanded me was true and why I even needed to go to church.

We are called to love all people and share God’s love with all, so we don’t need to avoid unbelievers. That doesn’t mean we need to look up to and follow people not pursuing the same path of Christ. Regarding mentors and people we admire, Scripture tells us that if we follow the wise, we will likewise gain wisdom. If we walk with someone full of faith, our faith will increase. If we walk with people who choose to be foolish and cling to the things of this world, we likewise will start to act foolish and cling to the things of this world.

As we age, the choices of who we spend our time around become more important. As we grow into the young men or women of God, we want to ensure that we have people around us who help us grow and not try to shrink us down.

If you pray on it, the Lord will bring wise Christians into your life to follow – maybe it’s your coach or a teammate you don’t talk to very much. Talk to God and see who the Holy Spirit brings your way.

  • Take a moment to examine your life. Who are you walking with?
  • Is there someone in your life right now that you consider a mentor?
  • Could you be a mentor for someone else? A younger person on your team?

“Lord, You are our ultimate guide in life. Help me look to You first and foremost for guidance and wisdom. I pray that while we are here on earth, You bring us strong men and women of Your Word to mentor us. I also pray that You equip me to be a mentor and strong companion to the people that You have around me. Amen.”