Outreach Idea

Heavy Metal Nite!

Heavy Metal Nite is a weight lifting competition that provides a great spectator event and an awesome opportunity to share the gospel.  This works great when several schools enter their "champion" into the competition.  Students at each school will want to attend the event and see how their champion matches up with the best from other schools.  The competition is simple.  It is similar to the bench press portion of the NFL Combine.  Each competitor will bench press the same amount of weight as many reps as possible.  They get one try.  The one with the most reps wins.  Be sure and have coaches act as spotters for each competitor.  A great place to host the event is in the school gym.  Have loud Christian rock music (stays with the theme "Heavy Metal Nite!") playing as everyone enters the gym.You can make it more dramatic with a special introduction of each champion over the loudspeaker accompanied by loud intro. music to get the crowd going.  In between the competitors lifts, have a few athlete-leaders share their personal faith testimonies.  Invite a special guest speaker to give a closing challenge.