
Above and Beyond


“Now to him who can do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us – to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” –  Ephesians 3:20-21


Have you ever been told to go “above and beyond?” Perhaps your coach was trying to get more effort out of you and said this phrase to you. When someone asks you to go “above and beyond,” they ask you to surpass the standard set. Meeting the expectations is no longer enough; they want to see you reach beyond and achieve more than what is set forth.

To go above and beyond can be scary because it leads you into the unknown. Before, you knew the expectation of you, and as long as you checked that box, you were doing OK. Now, to reach for something more leaves you vulnerable to failure. To walk in the unknown is to take a step of faith forward, not knowing the outcome. You enter an unknown space when you reach for more, push yourself harder and set new, more challenging goals. The question is, will you embrace the unknown or run from it?

In our minds, we think we understand God’s power, but that understanding is limited. God’s nature is inherently above and beyond anything we can expect or understand. We may think we know what God will do, but He will do far more than we ever thought possible.

Understanding that we limit God is the start of understanding how limitless God is. Maybe today, we can start to believe that God will go above and beyond what we think He will do.

  • In what areas of your life do you limit God?
  • Do you believe there are things we do not know and understand about God?
  • How can you push yourself to go above and beyond for God this week?

“Our All-Knowing God, You are more than anything we could ever imagine or understand. We delight in how mysterious You are because a god we can understand is not worth worshiping. Help us not to limit Your love or power in our lives. Guide us to seek Your full power in our lives without fear. Remove any blocks to us stepping out in faith to dive deeper and go above and beyond in our relationship with You, Amen.”