
Buying in Fully


“Then they brought the boats to land, left everything, and followed him.” – Luke 5:11


Sometimes, your life goals require a deeper commitment, particularly if you want to make it to the highest levels possible.

While not an athlete, actor Mark Wahlberg is known to get up as early as 2:30 a.m. and commence working out by 4 a.m. He has a very strict list of things to do daily, including a second workout. He has dedicated himself to this regimen to withstand movie roles that can be physically demanding.

If you have a dream or desire you feel you must go after, it will take a complete buy-in of everything you need to do to succeed. Some of Jesus’ disciples showed us what buying in looks like. In Matthew 4, when Jesus told Andrew, Simon, and then James and John to follow Him, they immediately dropped their fishing gear and went with Him. Later, in chapter 9, the same thing is said about Matthew, the tax collector. Jesus called him, and he went right away.

In Matthew 19, Peter (formerly called Simon) left everything to follow Jesus. Whether we are pursuing our desired jobs, careers, sports, or to be used by Jesus, we must be willing to drop whatever takes away from those pursuits.

If we are committed to a goal, some things will help us achieve it, and others will distract from it. Are you willing to do that for your sport? For the call of Christ?

  • What is something you want to accomplish in life?
  • What will it take to achieve that goal?
  • What things in your life need to go to achieve that goal?

“Father, I know there are things I need to do to achieve the pursuits You’ve put in my heart. Help me make the tough choices so I can buy into what You have for me. In His name, I pray. Amen.”