


“I call on You, God, because You will answer me; listen closely to me; hear what I say.” – Psalm 17:6


When teams don’t talk, we see the outcome. When players don’t call for the ball, we see the consequences. When the communication is bad, the game is bad.

There must be communication on and off the field. A team that doesn’t communicate won’t be strong or close. Lack of communication will hurt a team’s record, teamwork and friendship.

Lack of communication with God hurts us just as bad. When players don’t communicate with each other, the game is in danger. When we don’t communicate with God, our life is in danger.

Communication with God in prayer and through His Word provides us with clear instructions on how to stay safe, have hope, be forgiven of our sins, handle tough times, and how important it is to rest. We forget His voice and commands when we don’t communicate with God. We begin to listen to another’s voice and believe their side, hurting our lives and distorting our paths. We must stay in constant communication with God to remain on the pathway of righteousness and love.

We must also listen to God. A one-sided relationship won’t thrive. Imagine if no one ever allowed us speak. Communication with God is the same way. God wants us to pray and talk to Him, but He also wants us to listen as He speaks.

Communication isn’t one-sided, but two. It is us and God. Our voices joined together in prayer and reading God’s Word grows our faith in strength, love and hope. We will have a stronger relationship with Christ, and the game of life will be full of light, hope and grace.

  • Has there ever been a time when your team lacked communication?
  • How can you make time this week to talk to God?
  • How can you make time this week to listen to God?

“God, I lack communication with You. I always get distracted with the schedule of the day, homework, practice and other life things. But that is no excuse. Give me a desire and a longing to spend time with You, reading Your Word and listening to Your voice through Your Word and worship music. I trust You will hear my prayers and respond to them how You want. Amen.”