
God's Great Game Plan


“For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”  -John 3:16 


A coach’s voice resonates throughout the gym during a game and that coach’s players can recognize his or her voice in all the chaos. To watch sports like gymnastics, softball or wheelchair basketball and see athletes hear and comprehend the words being yelled by a coach on the sidelines is remarkable.  

God has been calling out to us since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden. They chose to disobey God and eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, immediately having their eyes open to things God never intended them to see or experience. Instead of them calling out for God, they did their best to cover up their sin and hid among the trees (Genesis 3:7-8).  

The first sacrifice for sin was in the Garden, as would the last sacrifice be in another garden 2,000 years later. Between these two gardens, God would continue to call out to His creation. He’d call out to them through prophets, teachers, creation itself, His Spirit and, eventually, through His own Son.  

God’s game plan is for us to be with Him and to enjoy everything He has stored up for us through His love. In fact, our God sent His own Son into the game with us.  

This is the Gospel. We’re all flailing in life and sin, in line for death and the grave, and God became a Man to lead us to exactly what our hearts long for and need—His warm presence. God enters the game with us. He is Immanuel, God with us, calling out to us on the sideline (Father and Coach), calling out next to us (the Son and Teammate), and speaking within us (the Spirit). All of this because He still believes in His game plan and that is the play He is running.  

God includes us in His great game plan to save the world. He includes us first by saving us, then by sending us out to bring others in. He is the Great Coach, the Great Teammate and exactly what your heart is longing for today.  

  • Are you listening to the Coach? Have you looked up from your mistakes to see Him as a Teammate next to you?  
  • How much better would your “game” (life) be if you trusted and obeyed God instead of insisting on your own way?  
  • What is God leading you to change in your life so that you can be more focused on His plan, not your own?    

“Father, thank You that You had a good plan for us from the beginning. Thank You that You have been pursuing us, and that You love us so much that You sent Your Son, Jesus, to take on our sins and die on the cross, and then be brought back to life. I want to place my trust in Jesus, and ask that He guides me as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ name, amen.”