
Humility's Opponent


“…since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily ensnares us.” – Hebrews 12:1


Although Jim Harbaugh is most known for it, Barry Switzer is originally credited for this infamous saying, “Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.”

This saying has often been thrown around in the sports world to remind coaches, players and teams of humility. What is the meaning behind the statement? Success in a person’s life should not be credited to them alone but also to those who came before them.

Pride is a big opponent in anyone’s life, especially athletes. When we hit the grand slam, run in the last touchdown, make the buzz-beater shot, or secure the last point for the championship ring, pride can slip into our hearts. When we make the starting lineup, accept a college offer, or nail a deal, pride can slip into our hearts. When we are named MVP, head coach, or All-State, pride can slip into our hearts. When that happens, we are on third base and think we hit the triple.

However, God’s Word teaches us that He is the One who puts everything into motion in our lives. He should get the very first glory and honor. He also tells us there were others before us to remember and thank. We must realize that many have come before us who created the sports programs we find ourselves in – those who created the culture, environment, program and even the talent we see today.

Although athletes are spread out worldwide in many different sports, they have one thing in common: they may be standing on third base, but someone else hit the ball. Let’s kill pride by reflecting on those who have gone before us and give glory and praise to God, who controls everything.

  • Name some successes that have happened in your athletic career.
  • Did you succeed on your own? With no help at all?
  • Who can you thank for helping you be who you are today?

“God, I know I have pride in my heart most days. Help me see this pride and kill it. Remind me of those who have gone before and helped me get to where I am today. Ultimately and greatest of all, I pray for a constant remembrance of Your provision in my life and what You have given and done for me. Amen.”