
Keep Your Eyes Forward


“And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” -- Hebrews 12:1-2


It’s accessory time in my CrossFit workout. Dumbbell shoulder shrugs. I’m already halfway through the class and can feel my muscles already burning. As we pull up our weights in a vertical line, I shift my eyes down to my feet, then dart to the girl next to me, making sure I’m doing it correctly.

“Sarah!” my instructor yells from the other side of the gym. “Keep your eyes forward!”

I snap back to attention as he goes on to explain that having my eyes fixed upward keeps my body best aligned for the weight session and makes it less likely that I’ll throw myself off balance, keeping me firm and stable as I finish the long sets. After he teaches me why, it makes more sense and I glue my gaze straight ahead. Who knows what kind of muscle strain could have happened if I wasn’t doing the movement correctly?

In a world of distraction and distortion, we have to fix our eyes straight ahead on Jesus to keep our hearts aligned with His. It’s easy to look at the person next to us and compare how we’re doing, whether we’ve got as many followers or can reach the same amount of statistics. Or we drop our eyes to the ground in shame, feeling like we’re not good enough or don’t bring enough to our team. Both of these take our focus off God, who wants our eyes looking to Him for direction, affirmation and to know we are safe as His child.

What the world offers is fleeting and distracting, and we can pull spiritual muscles if we give in to the easy ways of living or temptation to cut corners. It’s important to stand up and stare straight ahead, never wavering from the example of Jesus. In His life, death and resurrection, we see how He never took advantage of His divinity but humbly took on human form to know exactly what we go through and how to endure. Yet, He took on our sins so we could have new and lasting life. What a beautiful example to look to!

Keep your eyes forward, fixed on Jesus Christ. He is the One who lights our path and gives us every grace we need to get through the day.

  • How have you taken your eyes off of God and looked to other people or things for value?
  • What will it take to keep your eyes forward and focused on Jesus in your daily life?
  • Memorize the key Scripture above and use it to remind yourself how good it is to stay fixed on Jesus

Psalm 121:1-2; Isaiah 26:3; 2 Corinthians 4:18


“Lord, thank You that You have given me the perfect example in Jesus. Thank You that in the spin of the world, I can stand still and solid in You because of what Jesus did for me. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on You, so I can grow closer to You and share Your love with everyone around me. In Jesus’ name, amen.”