
Mommy's Coming Back


 “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” – Mark 10:14b-15


Hundreds of coaching families and FCA staff from all over the United States ascend upon Black Mountain for Coaches Family Camp each summer. This five-decade-old FCA tradition ministers to entire coaching families of all types and sizes.

In 2023, Kolly, a three-year-old little girl, brought today’s verses to life. During the first session of the children’s camp, she sat in the leader’s lap and cried the entire time, so the leaders placed her with the older children. The next session, she stayed very close to the class’s leader and managed quite well, until the passing of the hours caused her to worry that her mom had abandoned her. The room leader saw her worry and told the little girl, “Mommy’s coming back.”

Whenever I dropped by the classroom, Kolly would confidently exclaim, “Mommy’s coming back.” The class leader knew the words to speak. Kolly believed them and Mommy strengthened that faith each time she kept her promise and “came back.”

Kolly’s faith reminded me of Mark’s story, where Jesus focused on the dependency and trusting nature of children, as He instructed His disciples. In His Word, Jesus tells us He is everything we need to have abundant life.

As Kolly did, we are to receive, believe and confidently live it. Just as Mommy did, Jesus keeps His promises.

  • What obstacles keep you from simply trusting God in His Word?
  • How has God met your needs, thereby increasing your faith in Him?
  • How do your interactions with others demonstrate your faith in God?

“Father, thank You for bringing Scripture alive through real-life examples. Thank You for drawing us into a relationship with You, and thank You for always desiring to strengthen us with You and Your promises. Thank You for being a God who keeps those promises. As we journey through this life, please give us eyes to see and hearts to meet others who need this life-giving confidence and the courage to step into their lives through Your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”