
The Path of Freedom


“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” -- 2 Corinthians 3:17


Los Angeles Angels All-Star Josh Hamilton's career was initially derailed by the abuse of and addiction to drugs and alcohol. After several stints in rehab, he was still unable to escape those vices under his own power. Once he hit bottom in 2005, his heart was opened to God’s love and how much he needed Christ’s help to overcome his addictions and heal the brokenness in his life.

Substance abuse can take on different forms, including drugs (illegal and performance-enhancing), alcohol and tobacco, among them. But the answer to addictions of any kind can only be found by embracing the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Like Hamilton, we are not able to overcome substance abuse and addiction under our own strength, but with Christ as our focal point and the support of Christ-followers, we can begin walking down the path to freedom and recovery. The road to recovery is long, but once we understand we can never overcome our sin-filled nature on our own and finally accept God’s grace and forgiveness in our lives, we can experience total freedom.

Note: If you are currently in the middle of an addiction of any kind, reach out to a trusted friend for help and accountability.

  • Have you, or someone you know, allowed anything to become all-consuming to the point of addiction?
  • What steps have you taken to put God first in your life?

“Father, even though I realize my life and everything in it is Yours, I often place other things at the center. I pray that through Jesus I can be loosened from the chains that are holding me back. May I focus on You being the center of my life. Amen.”