
The Power of His Word


“Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” -- Matthew 24:35


The world around us is shouting out opinions, thoughts and ideas. It screams at us as if it speaks facts and truth, but these can be vicious lies attempting to steal our attention, rob us of our joy and decrease our impact on those around us. But how do we hear the truth in the midst of all this chaos around us?

It’s like being in the middle of a championship game. The stands are full of people, cheering loudly for their teams. Excitement is in the air, and so are words fighting for the attention of the players and coaches. I will never forget being on the volleyball court in my senior year of high school in the middle of a championship game, spinning around to find my coach to try to figure out what he was telling us to do in the midst of the crowds roaring chaos.

That is how most of us are walking through life, and if we aren’t careful, we will begin to trust the roaring lies over the truth of our Father. So how do we know the truth? We must go to the source of all truth--God. When things seem confusing and our minds are searching to find the truth, God is the only One who can provide us absolute truth that we can hold tightly to. Jesus set a perfect example for us during His time here on Earth. He frequently went off to spend time with the Father in prayer and to seek His heart above the noise of this world. That is what we should do too!

Mark 1:35 tells us that “very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place, where He prayed.” So, my challenge to you today is to find a solitary place and seek the Father. Get in the Word of God to learn more about who God is and His truths that are constant and never changing. Matthew 24:35 tells us that “Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” We can find peace and hope in our never-changing God who is for us and with us, telling us the truth in His scriptures. Spend time in the Word today and share what you are learning with those around you. Know the truth and remind yourself of it daily, so you won’t be swayed by the shouts from the world.

  • What are some truths that you have learned from the Bible?
  • Why is it important for us to read the Bible daily and spend time in prayer?

Mark 1:35; Mark 12:29-31


“Lord, You are my source of truth, hope and peace. Thank You for teaching me truths that I can hold tight to in the midst of the chaos of this world. I praise You for who You are and for the gift of Your Son. I ask that You give me opportunities to share who You are to those around me. Amen.”

Bible Reference: 
Matthew 24:35
Mark 1:35
Mark 12:29-31