By Michael Hill
“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be over all the earth.”
-Psalm 57:11
I would not be telling the truth if I said I didn’t crave the spotlight when I was playing football. I thought my big problem was that I was an offensive lineman. I don’t want to upset any running backs with this next statement, but those little fellars always got the spotlight! In my entire career I only gave one interview.
Now, the bad thing was that I was never SUPPOSED to be the one in the spotlight. None of us are! God is the One—the ONLY One—who is supposed to get the spotlight. With that in mind, you might think, “Wow. How could God even care about little me?” The amazing thing is that the One that created EVERYTHING loves us more than anyone else. The One who hung the sun, the stars and the moon loves us more. The One who measures the tides of the waves loves us more. What an amazing thought!
If you can’t get excited over that kind of love, I am not exactly sure what sort of pep talk any coach could ever give you to get you fired up. Today, dwell in that love and allow Him to pour His love out onto you. Then show that to others by giving Him the spotlight whenever it is shining your way.
1. Are you living your life so that God can get the spotlight?
2. Are you living to show those around you know that you love the Lord?
3. If the answer to either of these questions is “no,” then what changes can you make so that the answers will be “yes”?
Psalm 119:72-73
Psalm 57:5
1 John 3:1
“God, I ask today that You would let me bring You glory. I pray that You would bring people into my life who are hurting so that I can share Your love with them. I ask that You would bring those into my life who need You. I pray that when this day is done, You will say: ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant.’”