
Waiting on the Ball


“Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for him; do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way, by the person who carries out evil plans.” – Psalm 37:7


In baseball, one of the batting rules is to wait on the ball.

A batter may wait on the ball too long and miss the pitch, resulting in a strike. If the batter is patient and waits for the ball to come all the way to the plate, they have a much higher chance of getting a hit. When a batter swings too early, it’s usually because they get anxious waiting and swing when the ball is nowhere near close enough. The player’s anxiety caused them to rush their process, ending in a bad result.

Each day, we are faced with anxious situations. Whether on the field, in the classroom, at home, or with friends, we have choices. Will we rush and make the wrong decision or wait on the Lord?

Psalms tell us to be silent and wait expectantly. Specifically, to be silent before the Lord is to be calm and bring all our anxieties before Him – to sit in His presence and not be filled with worry. To wait expectantly is to wait with the hope that God will move.

To wait on God is to trust God. Just like baseball players are taught to trust the process of waiting on the ball, we can learn how to trust in the mighty power of God’s will.

  • What situations in life make you the most anxious?
  • Do you believe God will speak if you are quiet before Him?
  • How have you seen God move in your life already?

“God, we know You are always on the move. You are doing so many things that we never see. Help our faith and hope in You grow each day so that when we sit with You, we have confidence that You are listening. Help us bring our worries and anxieties to Your feet and wait to hear from You. Amen.”