
Worth the Wait


“Make your ways known to me, Lord; teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; I wait for you all day long.” – Psalm 25:4-5


During a rain delay, all you do is sit around and wait until the rain finally lets up, so you can resume play.

As a closer, you wait the whole game until it is your turn to go in for the last few outs. As a kicker, you stand on the sidelines and wait for your team to get into position so you can go out on the field and put a few points on the board.

Our lives are full of waiting. Often, we wait patiently, knowing the outcome is worth it. Other times, we are anxious and take matters into our own hands instead of waiting. Which one of these sounds like your relationship with God?

It’s often hard to wait on God because we do not know the outcome. God’s plans are far above our own, so we usually cannot comprehend His direction. That’s where our faith and trust in God must lead us. In times of uncertainty, we are called to have bold faith in our God. Trusting that as we wait for His direction, we can do so confidently and joyfully. Fear and anxiety have no place when it comes to God’s plan for us.

I pray as we wait to hear and see what God has in store, we do so with joy, knowing we are stepping into His fantastic plan for our life!

  • Does the idea of waiting cause you excitement or fear?
  • What does it look like to wait well?

“Lord God, we wait for You. As we walk through our days here on earth, I pray that we can see that waiting for Your direction is worth the wait. Remove any fear or anxiety and replace it with the expectant joy of what You will bring to our lives. Amen.”