What Do You Do When Sports are Over?
“I will instruct you and show you the way to go; with my eye on you, I will give counsel.” – Psalm 32:8
The last game has been played; the last whistle blown. After the last spotlight fades out, your jersey starts collecting dust, and you hang up your sneakers for the last time. What now? Sports has been a huge part of life; there’s no way we can just let it go.
If we’ve staked our entire identity and focus on athletics, the end of the sports road is going to leave us crippled and confused, unsure where our new place in life lies. But, if we’ve placed our hope and identity in God and who we are as His son or daughter, the next season of life is just that: the next season.
If you have a desire to stay involved in sports, there is a reason for this. God plants desires and needs in us so we can join Him in where He’s at work in the world. God isn’t done with you and your love of sports. Could it be He’s even created you with this passion for a purpose you could never imagine? Lean in and listen to those stirrings, get in His Word, seek wise counsel and ask God to reveal your next step of obedience.
You were made with the knowledge you have for statistics and play calling. Or the way you can score a goal. And, especially, the heart in you that’s turned toward others as you want to encourage those around you with the Gospel.
God has an even greater purpose for you. It wasn’t just about how you could play or coach, but who you could influence for His Kingdom, who you could invest your time and effort into, and who you could disciple.
Even now, as you wonder what to do next, God is at work. Listen for His voice leading you forward.
Get excited – God’s doing something wonderful! He’s taken you on a journey from feeling overwhelmed by the chaos and pressure of life, to a life overflowing with His love. You’re ready for the next step: to get out and get the Good News of Jesus Christ to a generation of coaches and athletes who desperately need His hope.
It’s time for the next step. Where might God be leading you?
- What are the gifts and passions that God has put in you?
- Do you sense Him nudging you to use your gifts in new ways? If so, what could that look like?
- How can you be part of getting the Good News of Jesus out to coaches and athletes who need to hear about it?
“Father, thank You for the way You have made me, for the passions and gifts You have put in me. May I use them to encourage others and further Your Kingdom. Help me see where to do that and grow my faith in the process. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”