
God's Got This


“Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God—who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly—and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith without doubting. For the doubter is like the surging sea, driven and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord, being double-minded and unstable in all his ways.” – James 1:5-8


You have to believe to achieve. As we tuned in to watch the 2024 Olympic Games, we saw some fantastic athletes achieve momentous athletic feats. After winning the men’s 100 meters, American track runner, Noah Lyles, said, “America. I told you, I got this.”

Lyles had faith in himself and believed that he could win his race. He was not at the starting line doubting his training, motivation and purpose. He approached his race with confidence that what he had done to get to this moment would win him a gold medal.

When we go to God and make a request, are we going with the boldness and faith that God can and will answer us? Or are we seeking out our Father with doubt and fear?

James 1 is a clear reminder that if we doubt God’s ability to hear and work in our lives, then we should not expect anything from Him. However, if we approach God with firm faith in who we know God to be, then it is guaranteed we will see Him work in our lives.

When we approach God with little faith, we are thrown back and forth like a small boat on the ocean. “Does God hear me?” “Is this an OK thing to ask God?” “Does God even care about this?” Do you see how these statements can lead us to lack confidence in God?

We are called to have firm faith in the ability of God to hear and answer our prayers. We must remember that throughout scripture, God is telling us, “My child, I told you, I got this.”

  • What are some of the doubts that race through your head when you go to God in prayer?
  • How can you replace those doubts with firm faith?
  • Think back on times when you have seen God show up. How can those times build confidence that God’s got this?

“God, You are our good Father who can do everything. Our faith is weak, forgive us when we come to You with weakness and doubt. Give us the condition to approach You with faith in Your ability to do everything. Remove the doubts from our minds today. Amen.”