
Confident Questions


“But let him ask in faith, without doubting. For the doubter is like the surging seam, driven and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord, being double-minded and unstable in all his ways. Let the brother of humble circumstances boast in his exaltation.” - James 1:6-8 


Our coach taught us to ask confident questions. He disliked questions that were not thought through or made a person look weak while asking. If you wanted to ask him a question, you had to be bold and believe in what you were asking. For example, if you were wondering why you were not starting you had to come to him boldly and with firm belief. He didn’t want you to ask him, “Why am I not starting?” Instead, he taught us to examine our behavior, present evidence, and then ask how to ensure a starting spot moving forward. So a bold question would be, “Coach, I believe I have put in enough work and my skills are advancing daily to earn a spot in the lineup. Could you explain why I am not starting and let me know what I can do to ensure a spot moving forward?”  

The skill of asking confident questions has helped my relationship with God. Previously, I would pray to God in a posture of weakness and doubt. Now, I pray to Him with boldness and confidence. Before, instead of calling out the facts about who God is and what His power can do, I would shyly go before God and present my requests.  

James 1 reminds us that a person who isn’t steadfast in their faith is unstable and shouldn’t receive anything from God. We are told to go to God boldly and confidently, knowing that God hears us and will work on everything for our good.  

Our coach wanted us to come to him confident of who we are and what we desire. God wants us to confidently approach His throne knowing who He is and with bold faith. 

  • Examine your prayer life: are you praying bold or weak prayers? 
  • What would bold prayers change? 
  • Why would God care if we are bold in our requests? 

“Abba Father, You are the God of the universe, and anytime we come before You, we should approach You with the faith and confidence You deserve. As we come before You today, help us be confident in who we are speaking with and let our faith not be shaken by the things of this world. Amen.”